Commercial Medical Certificate
l examine pilots for both Australian & NZ certificates. I can also assess and issue Class 3 (Air Traffic Control) certificates
If you fly for hire or reward, then you need a commercial (Class 1 certificate).
Initial Class 1 certificates require an application, examination, ECG, spirometry, blood tests and audiogram.
I can do all of the above except the blood tests
Renewal Class 1 needs an application, examination but the other tests (ECG, audiogram spirometry) may or may not be needed - see here for the timing of these tests
If this is the first time that you have had a NZ Class 1 aviation assessment done by me then there is some information available in the documents section that details requirements etc.
Applying for a Medical Certificate
I encourage pilots to apply for their medical certificate online using Skycert as this is more secure, faster, and easier for pilots. See details here. The URL is How To Get Your First Medical With SkyCert. The application is done via Skycert
Details re the Making an appointment
Information in the Contacts Section but phone, or email me vujcichp@gmail.com
Extending a Certificate
If your certificate is nearing the expiry date, and providing there are no new medical issues, then it is possible to extend your certificate for a maximum of two months (see FAQ for more details)